Investigation: Ms. Mix-Up – Dressing a Baby Doll

Investigation: Ms. Mix-Up – Dressing a Baby Doll



Levels of Thinking

Resources are categorized by whether they target foundational levels of thinking or levels of thinking that extend past foundational levels (expanding).

Suggested AdaptationS

Check out our guide to adaptations. Adapt for environment, materials, instruction.

General Guide to Adaptations


An adult dresses a doll incorrectly (such as puts shoes on before socks or pants on the doll’s arms) and encourages child to find the errors and possibly fix them.


Adaptations specific to this investigation are included in the resource.


Use preferred dolls or items of clothing to increase child interest.


  • Model dressing the doll incorrectly and noticing errors before you ask children to do the same.
  • Have children add items of clothing to increase engagement.
  • Exaggerate the error (e.g., emphasize struggling to fit the sock over the shoe)
  • Connect the activity to children’s own experience: “Do you put your shoes or socks on first when you get dressed?”


STEM Ideas/Words


STEMIE Learning Trajectories