Investigation: Buggy Walk

Investigation: Buggy Walk



Cross-cutting Concepts

Levels of Thinking

Resources are categorized by whether they target foundational levels of thinking or levels of thinking that extend past foundational levels (expanding).

Suggested AdaptationS

Check out our guide to adaptations. Adapt for environment, materials, instruction.

General Guide to Adaptations


Before you head out on your buggy/wagon walk, ask children to help you: “I need your help! I forgot how to move our buggy/wagon. Can someone help me remember how to get everyone moving?”

Adaptations specific to this investigation are included in the resource.


Consult with your EI providers if your child needs an adapted stroller or wagon to meet their sensory or physical needs.


Provide visual cues of push and pull to provide opportunities for children to communicate during the experience


STEM Ideas/Words

STEMIE Learning Trajectories