Discovery Play Activities with Your Young Child: Touching Textures
Using our five senses is the way we take in lots of information about our world. Describing how things feel can be hard to demonstrate in the abstract, so take children on a sensory hunt to gather items to make a texture board to help them communicate about textures. When gathering actual items to attach to the board, leave off food items, as they may spoil and get really yucky. If you do this in a center-based environment, children may want to take their texture boards home to use during daily routines activities with their families. Adaptation suggestions are built into this resource directly.
- Arrange materials within reach
- Use modified or flexible seating
- Limit background noise & distractions
- Offer a variety of materials that are easy to grasp
- Use visual supports and cues
- Model …
- Wait for a response
- Describe & expand upon the child’s response
STEM Ideas/Words