Investigation: All About Weather
As you notice the weather, ask children questions:
- “What does the weather feel like today?”
- “Do you think it feels hot or cold?”
- “Is there any precipitation/water falling from the sky? “What kind: rain, snow, hail?”
- “What about in the sky? Is it cloudy or not cloudy?”
- “What kind of clothing do we wear in this weather? Why?”
Adaptations specific to this investigation are included in the resource.
- Use visuals provided below as response cards and to support your narration of the weather
- Consider using windmills, windsocks or other objects impacted by blowing wind with grip supports added to the sticks as needed to help children notice wind blowing
- If children don’t answer open-ended questions, try a forced-choice. (e.g., “Does it feel hot or cold? Do we need an umbrella?”)
- If children make comments about observable characteristics of the environment without naming the weather, help them expand. (e.g., “You said it was wet. You’re right. It’s raining.”)
- Model and encourage children to use sign, gesture, AAC, or other modes of communication to respond to the questions and make comments/ask questions about the activity.