Investigation: All About Weather

Investigation: All About Weather



Levels of Thinking

Resources are categorized by whether they target foundational levels of thinking or levels of thinking that extend past foundational levels (expanding).

Suggested AdaptationS

Check out our guide to adaptations. Adapt for environment, materials, instruction.

General Guide to Adaptations


As you notice the weather, ask children questions:

    • What does the weather feel like today?”
    • “Do you think it feels hot or cold?”
    • “Is there any precipitation/water falling from the sky? “What kind: rain, snow, hail?”
    • “What about in the sky? Is it cloudy or not cloudy?”
    • “What kind of clothing do we wear in this weather? Why?”

Adaptations specific to this investigation are included in the resource.


  • Use visuals provided below as response cards and to support your narration of the weather
  • Consider using windmills, windsocks or other objects impacted by blowing wind with grip supports added to the sticks as needed to help children notice wind blowing


  • If children don’t answer open-ended questions, try a forced-choice. (e.g., “Does it feel hot or cold? Do we need an umbrella?”)
  • If children make comments about observable characteristics of the environment without naming the weather, help them expand. (e.g., “You said it was wet. You’re right. It’s raining.”)
  • Model and encourage children to use sign, gesture, AAC, or other modes of communication to respond to the questions and make comments/ask questions about the activity.


STEM Ideas/Words

STEMIE Learning Trajectories