Discovery Play Activities with Your Young Child: Color Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger color hunt is a fun activity for children to do at home. Encourage your child to find household objects that match various color cards.
- If possible, limit background noise & distractions
- Wear sunglasses/hat if sensitive to bright light and going outside for the scavenger hunt
- Place objects within reach
- Have child’s assistive technology ready and available, including augmentative & alternative communication (AAC) device and/or power wheelchair
- Add additional material(s), such as magnets or Velcro, to objects to make it easier to grasp, lift, or turn
- Ensure the color cards and their background have a strong contrast
- Use color cards of various sizes
- Labeling colors to help children with colorblind find objects
- Simplify the activity, beginning with only two color cards or only have household items of two colors with reach
Use a variety of methods of communication (e.g., sign language, gestures) to meaningfully engage children - Provide visual prompts to help the child communicate
- Provide hand-under-hand support to help the child find objects
- Model matching objects by color