Investigation – Light: It’s Too Dark in Here

Investigation – Light: It’s Too Dark in Here



Cross-cutting Concepts

Levels of Thinking

Resources are categorized by whether they target foundational levels of thinking or levels of thinking that extend past foundational levels (expanding).

Suggested AdaptationS

Check out our guide to adaptations. Adapt for environment, materials, instruction.

General Guide to Adaptations


Provide children with an array of objects that emit light and can be turned on and off as well as objects that don’t emit light. Ask children to help you solve a problem that requires light. Maybe you want to read a book but it’s too dark, or it’s time to clean up, but you can’t find all the toys.

Interactive Lesson


  • Provide big button switches for children to press easily to turn lights on and off.
  • Add brightly colored tape to an object’s on/off switches.
  • Provide visuals for children to support communication.

STEM Ideas/Words

STEMIE Learning Trajectories