Daily Routine Explorations with Your Young Child: Getting Dressed
Children learn new things when they practice them in everyday routines. Try one or two of these activities to build the foundation for STEM learning while your child is getting dressed. Use these ideas to set up the environment and materials to best suit your child’s needs. Adaptation suggestions are built into this resource directly.
Ensure your child is sitting or standing in a stable position while putting on clothes. Support as needed.
- Clothes that are loose, tagless and/or have elastic that are comfortable for your child
- Clothes that have large buttons, and buttonholes or use Velcro
- Use adaptive devices (e.g., Reacher, sock aid, dressing stick) to help children pick up, put on, or take off
clothes) - Use braille tags to help children with visual impairments find or organize the clothes
- Use visual/braille cues for each step of getting ready
- Use modeling, hand over hand or hand under hand to guide children how to dress/undress.
- Give your child time to respond to changing
- Smile and communicate with your child at eye level.
- Speak/sign slowly, emphasize keywords, and wait for a response.
- Praise your child’s efforts with words, facial expression, or body language.